Anns am manifesto 1999 de Partaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba tha na h-earrannan a leanas a tha buntainn ris a' Ghàidhlig:
"The SNP will ensure that Scotland's diverse linguistic and cultureal heritage, including the Gaelic and Scots languages and Scottish History have an enhanced place in the classroom."
"The Scottish Parliament should mark a new phase in the confidence of our cultural life. We know the Arts are a vital area of national life, which bring important social and economic benefits. We would expect this to be reflected in the committee structure of the new parliament, for example in the Education and Culture committee where we would also expect to see a Gaelic sub-committee established."
"English, Gaelic and Scots must co-exist on an equal basis in Scotland, and we will grant Scots and Gaelic "secure status" in the Parliament and national life. We will actively support Gaelic medium teaching and Scots language initiatives as well as art and culture expressed in other languages in common use in Scotland. This will include promoting Asian arts as well as art that arises out of cross cultural experience."
"We will promote community arts projects, similar to the Gaelic féisean movement in their work in promoting traditional music, dance and song, extending these to cover Scottish culture as a whole."