FACLAIR Gàidhlig gu Beurla - Facail feumail a tha a' buntainn ri bheataireachd

ablachrotting carcase, carrion
a' chailleach riobachacetonaemia; see also an gailleach, an fheusag riobach
a' chaitheamhtuberculosis (formerly called consumption; a.k.a. "TB")
a' chaoileillness caused by starvation due to lack of fodder in early spring; see also "an caola gorm"
agh (pl. aighean)heifer
ainfheòilgranuloma, "proud flesh"
aingealaichnumbness (with cold)
aiseagtransmission, transmitting
aisean (pl. aisnean)rib
àloffspring, progeny
alt (pl. uilt)joint
alt an dromaintervertebral disc joint
alt a' chruachainnthe hip joint
àmhachcattle crush (North Uist)
anabaich (adj)before term, premature - e.g. 'laogh anabaich', 'uain anabaich'
ann-stealladh(pronounced ann-stealladh) injection; also instealladh
aotroman, an t-the urinary bladder
aorabhbodily constitution
asaiddelivery (birth) - humans only
aonachdyspnoea (difficulty breathing)
atswelling, inflammation; "air at" = swollen, also 'bloat' in Skye
atha na sùlacorner of the eye, i.e. canthus
athailt (ailt)(m)scar; see also làrach
ath-bhreithafterbirth; see also glanadh, iar-bhreith
bainne buidhecolostrum (first milk, rich in antibodies); see also ciad-bhainne, nòs, unnsa
balgan-bèisdeparasitic cyst
balg-uisgethe water bag (at parturition)
ball-nasg (masc.)ligament (not a commonly heard word today)
bannus, amthe roof of the mouth (hard palate)
bàthachcow-byre (fem.)
beathaichean calladomestic animals
bèilebale; ie "bèile feòir" = a bale of hay
bèileagmuzzle; see also glas-ghuib
biast (fem.)common Skye term for parasite
biast a' chraicinncattle louse
biast nan concanine tapeworm (Taenia multiceps)
biadhadhsupplementary winter feeding
bìdeadhto bite; e.g. "bhìd an cù mi"
binndeachadhclotting; see also righneachadh
bliochddairy products
bò air thogaildowner cow (cow refusing to rise) - esp. one with "a' chaoile"
boiteaganworms (gastrointestinal & pulmonary)
bolguterus; see also leabaidh an laoigh/uain, machlag
borlumthe bolus of food which is regurgitated for cud-chewing
bragsaighBraxy (this term also included the other Clostridial diseases 'Pulpy Kidney' & 'Black Disease')
briod, amGaelic pronunciation of "breed", e.g. breed of cattle; see also treubh
brisgean milis, amthe pancreas
broilein, amthe omasum (3rd forestomach of ruminant animals)
brothskin rash
brù (f)belly, abdomen
buaile (f)cattle-pen
buinneachdysentery-type diarrhoea
bus muice"parrot mouth" deformity - i.e. undershot lower jaw
buidheach (f)jaundice, usually said 'a' bhuidheach'; see also galar buidhe
builgean loisgeachanthrax (the human form)
buille cnuimhfly strike
cabstarbit (of a bridle)
caitheamhsee a' chaitheamh
calg, anthe bristly hair of animals
caola gorm, anstarvation in early spring; see also "a' chaoile"
caolan(an)intestine(s); e.g. an caolan mòr and an caolan beag
caolan na h-imleigthe umbilical cord
caoldruimsmall of the back, i.e. lumbar spine
caora bheannachhorned sheep, e.g. hebridean breeds
caora mholachsheep which missed the last shearing!
caoraich mhaolaNorth Country Cheviot sheep (plural)
cartan, anthe warble fly - Hypoderma bovis
casgweaning, e.g "a' casg nan uan"
ceallan deargfhuileachred blood cells
ceathramh gorm, anold term for Blackquarter (not used on Skye by mid-20th C.)
ciad-bhainne, anSkye word for colostrum (first milk, rich in antibodies & other essentials); see also bainne buidhe, nòs, unnsa
ciad-fhàsembryo; 'laogh / uan anabaich' is commoner
clach(an)testicle(s); see also magairlean
claimh, ansheep scab; usually said "an claimh"
clàragincisor tooth
cliabh, anthe chest; see also maothan
cliabh-sgeithreach emetic (adj. & noun)
clòimh (fem)wool
closachdead body
cnàimh, cnàmhanbone, bones
cnàimh a' bhroillichthe sternum
cnàimh a' ghobhailthe pelvis
cnàimh an dromathe backbone
cnàimh na slèisdethe thigh bone (femur)
cnàimh-gèille, anthe jaw-bone
cnàmh, anthe digestion
cnàmh na cìrerumination, chewing the cud
cochull a' chridhethe pericardium
com, anthe internal body cavities - both thoracic and abdominal; more generally, "the trunk"
comharrachadh"marking" of lambs, i.e. ear-marking (castration usually done at this time too)
confhadh (m)rabies
connlachstraw - not commonly heard in Skye; fodar is the usual word
copfroth, foam
còrd an droma, anthe spinal cord
cranna-pheasanrunt - i.e. smallest of a litter
cridhe, anthe heart
criomadhnibbling, cropping - e.g. ruminants cropping grass
criothnachadhtremors, tremoring
crith, anlouping ill; also tremors (more general meaning)
crodh, ancattle (single collective noun)
crodhancloven hoof - only used in Skye at birth, when "na crodhanan" emerge first
crogaisean, crogannancast ewes - i.e. ewes too old for breeding
cronail (adj)harmful
crùban, anlaminitis
cù allabainstray dog
cuanlitter (of pups)
cuairt-dhurragringworm (dermatomycosis)
cuairticheepidemic disease
cù-chaorachsheepdog (Border Collie)
cùis, cùiseancase, cases
cuisle (fem.)vein
cuisle mhòrartery
cuisleagvenule (small vein)
cùis èiginneachemergency case
cùlagmolar tooth
cùl-cinn, anthe common grazing of a crofting township; the background
cungaidh-bhacaidhpreventative treatment
cungaidh-leighismedicine; see also ìocshlaint
(a') cur a-mach leabaidh an laoigh/uainprolapse of the uterus
dàiroestrus, bulling (cattle only); e.g. "bò dhàire"; "chuir an tarbh dàir air a' bhò"
deamhaisdagging shears
deasgainnrennet (the enzyme in a calf's stomach which causes milk protein to curdle)
deireadhpolite word for vulva of a cow or sheep!
dianacute (adj.)
dianag(an)gimmer(s) - i.e. female sheep between first shearing and first lambing at 2 years old
diobadhplunge-dipping of sheep to treat ectoparasites
dìosg (adj.)'dry' following lactation; e.g. "chaidh a' bhò an dìosg"
doille, ancontagious ophthalmia ('snow blindness') of sheep
dol a-machprocedure
dol mu seachataxic, staggering, e.g. "bha am beathach a' dol mu seach" - Skye expression
domblas, anthe bile
dubh-cheannachScottish Blackface sheep (plural = dubh-cheannaich)
dubh-liath, anthe spleen
durrag-mharbhach (adj)anthelmintic- not a commonly-used word
eòlas (pl. eòlais)a spoken charm, an incantation - often used to protect from, or cure, illnesses in humans as well as animals
eucailcondition (illness)
faileadh, amwoolslip (often occurs following another illness, or stress)
faing (fem.)fank - place for working sheep; e.g. "latha na fainge"
falman, amthe patella
farspach (pl. farspaich)black-backed gull; also farspag
feannaganhoody crows (common crow = starrag)
fearsalainwarbles, bots (larvae of Hypoderma bovis)
feirmigecryptorchid (only one testicle descended)
fèith (fem.)muscle
feòil (fem.)flesh
feurgrass and hay; meaning depends on context
fheusag riobach, anacetonaemia; see also a' chailleach riobach, an gailleach
fiabhras bainnemilk fever of cattle, also other mammals including humans!
fiabhras a' ghartaintick-borne fever
fiabhras clèibhpneumonia; see also an grèim (Lewis)
fiacail charbaidcheek teeth, molars
fionnadh, amthe haircoat, i.e. fur, of quadruped animals
forfhais (fem)research
fosgladh (verb & noun)post mortem
fual, amthe urine
fuasglaidhean sàilsaline solutions
fuileachadhbloodletting; see also leigeil às fuil
gabhaltach (adj.)infectious, c.f. plàigheach
gailleach, anacetonaemia; see also a' chailleach riobach, an fheusag riobach
galar buidhe, anjaundice; see also buidheach
galar nan cluas'yellowses' (plochteach, photosensitisation)
galar nan concanine distemper
gamhainn, an (pl. gamhna)young bovine of either sex, after 'casg' -
"Oidhche shamhna, as a' gheamhradh, theirear gamhna ris na laoigh;
latha Fhèill Eòin, as t-samhradh, theirear aighean ris na gamhna." - seanfhacal
gamhnachcow, been milking for a year, but deliberately not brought back into calf - c.f. bo sheasg
garradh-crìchehead-dyke of a crofting township - beyond which is the "cùl-cinn"
gartan(an)tick(s) (Ixodes ricinus)
gealan, anthe white of the eye
gearradh, ancut (on skin)
geir (fem.)fat, grease
gialljaw (pl: gèill)
gineanfoetus - word not used in Skye by mid 20th C. - see laogh/uan anabaich
glanadh, anSkye word for placenta, afterbirth; also 'cleansing' (expulsion of same); also loss of winter coat in spring
glas-ghiall (f)lockjaw (tetanus) - not used in Skye in mid-20th C. - see 'teàrlag'
glas-ghuibmuzzle (for dog); see also bileag
gleidheadh bheathaicheananimal management
glupad, anliver fluke (Fasciola hepatica)
gneaghar'lumpy wool' (rainscald, Dermatophilosis)
grad-mheilicheadhhypothermia - see also lathadh
gramannansutures; singular = grèim (NB stiodsaichean is more common!)
grèim (pl. gramannan)suture(s); also pneumonia (Lewis)
grèim mionaichcolic
grìd, grìogold word for infectious agent; "germ". (Not commonly used today)
grùthan, anthe liver
guir, a' gurincubate, incubating
iar-bhreith, anthe afterbirth, see also glanadh, ath-bhreith
inneircow dung
instealladh(pronounced instealladh) injection; see also ann-stealladh
ìocshlainttreatment, medicine; see also cungaidh-leighis
iongarachadhsuppuration (pus formation in infected tissue); see also leannachadh
iosgaid, anthe hock joint
ladhar (pl. ladhair)hoof; NB cloven-footed animals have dà ladhar on each foot separated by a sgoltadh
lagag, logagsocket, e.g. logag na sùla
làrachscar; see also athailt
lathadhchilling to the bone, hypothermia - see also grad-mheilicheadh
lèabaganflounders - immature liver fluke are thought to resemble these!
leabaidh an laoigh/uaincalfbed, lamb-bed, i.e.uterus; see also bolg, machlag
leann a' chuirpbody fluids/tissue fluids
leannachadhsuppuration (pus formation in infected tissue); see also iongarachadh
leantainneachchronic (adj)
leasachadh-falablood transfusion
leigeil às fuiltherapeutic bloodletting; see also fuileachadh
leth-uaintwin lambs ('càraid' is more common in Skye)
leum-dromaprolapsed intervertebral disc (slipped disc)
lighiche-sprèidhveterinary surgeon (not commonly used; "bheat" is more usual)
lobhadhputrefaction, decay
lobhadh nan casfootrot
logagsee lagag
loit nathairidh, anacute Staphylococus mastitis of sheep (was thought to be caused by adder-bite)
lot1. wound; 2. croft
lothfilly, young horse
luidhean (pl. luidhein)fetlock joint
machlaguterus; see also bolg, leabaidh an laoigh/uain
magairle(an)testicle(s); see also clachan
màm-sicerupture, hernia
maodal, amthe rumen (2nd forestomach of ruminant animals)
maolpolled, i.e. hornless; e.g. "bò mhaol", "caoraich mhaola"
maothan, amthe chest (cliabh is more common today); also means cartilage
marbh-bhreithstillborn (adj)
marcachd-shìth (fem.)obsolete word for paralysis (thought to be due to "fairy riders" over the spine!)
mart, am (pl. mairt)cow; e.g. "beathach mairt"
meanbh-bheathachmicroorganism (plural: meanbh-bheathaich)
meang gintinneachgenetic defect
meud-bhronn (fem.)ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdomen)
mial (fem.)(pl. mialan)louse (several different species affect domestic animals)
mial-chaorachsheep ked - Melophagus ovinus (pronounced mul-chaorach)
milleadhdamage, lesion
mionach, am'the guts', the internal organs (the intestine = an caolan)
modh-sìolachaidhmeans of reproduction
mogul na sùlathe third eyelid, nictitating membrane
muladlabour pains of cattle - Lewis word
mult (pl. muilt)wedder - i.e. young castrated male sheep
mùn, amurine; see also fual
mùn dearg, amSkye name for redwater (Babesiosis)
neasgaidabscess, boil
neo-fhiosrach (adj.)unconscious
nòs or nùiscolostrum; see also bainne buidhe, ciad-bhainne, unnsa
òrdanbody condition
othaisg(ean)hogg(s) - i.e. young female sheep, older than lambs but before first shearing
pàirc(ean)in-bye field(s)
pàirc dhubhfield with a lot of heather in it!
pairilis (fem.)paralysis; see also marcachd-shìth
pìochan, amwheezing of upper respiratory origin
pitvulva - usually more politely called "an deireadh"!
plàigheachcontagious - c.f. gabhaltach
poca, amodematous swelling below jaw; a sign of liver fluke infestation
pràmhananaesthetic (NB this is not a commonly used word)
pràmhan ionadaillocal anaesthetic
rach air an druimto collapse; i.e. "Chaidh a' bhò air a druim"
rach far an uiltto dislocate, e.g. "chaidh a' bhò far a cruachainn"
rach os cionnget over; e.g. "cha deach a' bhò os a chionn"
reithe (pl. reitheachan)tup, ram; see also rùd
rian-cnàmhaidhdigestive system
riasgmarshy turf, sedge
riaslach (adj.)stressed
righneachadhclotting; see also binndicheadh
rinnpupil (of eye)
roilleexcessive salivation
ròsachan, nacotyledons on bovine & ovine placenta
rùda (pl. ròid)ram, tup; not used in Skye (see reithe)
ruith airpalpate (verb), e.g. "ruith mi mo làmhan air an alt"
ruith-iongarachpurulent discharge
ruadh, anmastitis; see also teasach an ùtha, ùth cloiche
rùsg, anthe fleece
saille (fem.)fat
sampall (pl. sampaill)sample
sealltainn leabaidh an laoigh/uainprolapse of the vagina
searrachfoal, colt
seasg (adj.)yeld, barren - i.e. not in calf, or in lamb, after mating - e.g. "bò sheasg"
seiche, an t-the hide
sèideadhbloat (tympanytic swelling) in cattle; "seideach" = tympanitic; see also 'at'
seot'poor do-er', i.e. backward calf or lamb
sgàirdeach (adj.)scouring, e.g. "bò sgàirdeach"
sgairt, anthe diaphragm
sgamhan, anthe lungs
sgor-fhiacalcanine tooth, fang
sic, an t-the peritoneum
siol-shùileachocular discharge
silteach, an the discharge
sìneadhstretching out; na shìneadh = lateral recumbency
sìor-ghalarchronic illness
slighe na h-analachtrachea
slighe bhreith, an t-the birth canal
slugadh, anthe oesophagus
smior, anthe bone marrow
smior-chailleach, anthe spinal cord, but in Skye means simply 'bone marrow'
snàthadneedle - for suturing or injection; le snàthad = by injection
sneadhan, sniodhannits (lice eggs)
sodradhtrot, trotting
soitheamhtame (North Uist)
spadadhslaughter; taigh-spadaidh = slaughterhouse
sparrag, anthe bit (of a bridle)
spog dhubh, anblackleg (sheep), blackquarter (cattle)
spothcastration, i.e. neutering of male animals
spothta (adj.)castrated
spuaic theangaActinobacillosis, 'wooden tongue'
spùtscour, diarrhoea
spùt geal, anwhite scour of young calves
srianreigns of a horse (including the bridle)
stàil(ichean)stall(s) in a cow-byre
stamagstomach; abomasum (the fourth or 'true' stomach in ruminants)
starr-chosail (fem.)ataxia (staggering); see also dol mu seach, tuisleach
steud-eachgalloper, racehorse
streafonmembrane - word not commonly used
sùghadhdraining (e.g. abscess), absorbtion
sùileagan orifice
tachasachpruritic, itchy
tairbhein'surfeit' i.e. overeating in cattle (Carmina Gadelica) - word is obsolete now
tàiredifficulty - e.g. tàire-bhreith
tàire-bhreithdifficult birth; dystocia
talmhantaa mineral
taobhach (adj.)lateral
tapachdhardiness - e.g. "Tha na caoraich mhaola fìor thapaidh"
tarbh (pl. tairbh)bull
teannachadhconstipation; see also tiormachadh
teàrlagapproximate Gaelic pronunciation of `jaw lock' (tetanus)
teasach an ùthamastitis
teas broileinimpaction of the omasum with dry poor-quality food; used to be a common cause of constipation in cattle when fodder was scarce
tìdeachat or near term (pregnancy)
tinneas-tuiteamaisepileptic convulsions
tiormachadhconstipation; see also teannachadh
toinneamh twist, torsion
toirt nan adharcan dhiubhdehorning
toll a' mhàisthe anus
torrachas anabaichmiscarraige
tràth eadraidhmilking time
treubhbreed (e.g. of cattle); see also briod
trusadhgathering (of sheep)
tuagh-fholafleam (bloodletting instrument)
tuaicheall, ansturdy, gid - Coenurus cerebralis (brain disease of sheep)
tuisleachataxic (having a staggering gait) - biblical word!; see also dol mu seach, starr-chosail
tuiteam nan cnàmhan"dropping" of the "pin bones" (Tuber ischii) in cattle just before calving
turadhdry spell
ùbhal nan sgornainlarynx (Dwelly)
unnsa, an t-colostrum (first milk, rich in antibodies); see also ciad-bhainne, bainne-buidhe, nòs
ùth, an t-the udder
ùth bainne"bagging up" - filling of the udder before calving/lambing
ùth cloichemastitis - especially where the udder is swollen & turgid; see also teasach an ùtha, an ruadh