Seachainn conasan gun chèill,
A' conairt ris fèin na bì,
Fulaing tàir o dhuine maith
Ach a làmh na maith do rìgh.
Bior ad dheàrna fèin na fàisg,
T' easbhaidh ri d' nàmhaid na rùisg,
Rinn sgine ri t' fheòil na h-èisd,
Bèist nimhe do d' dheòin na dùisg.
Ceist gach cùise cnap-fhuasglas
Is gun a bhith fad' am falach;
Gabhaidh an daoi an-uasal
A ghnàth an t-ath-ghoirid salach.
Avoid senseless quarrels,
Don't be in the habit of talking idly,
Suffer reproach from a good man
But don't forgive a king his hand (against you).
Don't press a thorn into your own hand,
Don't reveal your weak point to your enemy,
Heed not a knife-point at your flesh,
Don't willingly awaken a venomous beast.
Shake loose the essence of each issue
That it not be long in hiding;
The ignoble rogue takes
The cheap shot, always.