-- MacBain, Alexander
-- An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language
-- Gairm Publications, 1982
-- Published by Garim Publications, 29 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BZ
-- Tel. 041-221 1971
-- Printed by Clark Constable (1982) Let, Edinburgh
-- ISBN 0 901771 68 6
-- 1st edition - 1896
-- 2nd edition (revised) - 1911
-- Photolitho Reprint of 1911 edition - 1982
-- Lines beginning, like this one, with two hyphens are not part of the
-- original text, but contain added documentation, page numbers, etc.
-- The Latin-1 character set (ISO 8859-1) is used where possible,
-- otherwise the following typographic representation in ASCII are used:-
-- [...] italics
-- <...> bold
-- @G[...] Greek (always italics)
-- @+[...] superscript (Seems to be used only for volume nos in journal refs)
-- / acute on preceding letter
-- \ grave on preceding letter
-- @. dot below preceding letter
-- @- macron(?) (horizontal line) above preceding letter
-- @* ring above preceding letter (always 'u')
-- @u breve(?) (tiny `u'-like mark) above preceding letter
-- @n semi-circle like inverted breve above preceding letter (Greek)
-- @' comma above preceding letter (Greek)
-- @` backward comma above prededing letter (Greek)
-- @g a curly lower case `g', distinct from an ordinary `g'
-- @? other accent (to be inserted later) on preceding letter
-- @oe "diphthong" `oe' character
-- ?? a character which cannot be identified, or appears wrong,
-- or something needing sorted out later
-- ++ dagger mark (indicates obsolete word)
-- Greek alphabet transliteration
-- alpha a nu n
-- beta b xi x
-- gamma g omicron o
-- delta d pi p
-- epsilon e rho r
-- zeta z sigma s
-- eta c tau t
-- theta q upsilon u
-- iota i phi f
-- kappa k chi h
-- lambda l psi y
-- mu m omega w
-- The letter j also occurs in Greek words quoted in the Dictionary.
-- Lines of the text are strictly adhered to, except that words split
-- across successive lines by a hyphen are recombined and inserted
-- on the first line.
-- Punctuation is moved out of quotes where the logic of parsing dictates this,
-- e.g. "sharp bush or tree"; where the book has "sharp bush or tree;".
-- If a word referred to (i.e. an italicised word) has a capital letter
-- purely because it is at the beginning of the sentence, I have changed
-- the capital letter to lower case.
-- Punctuation is corrected in the relatively small number of instances where
-- it is obviously incorrect according to the conventions used elsewhere in
-- the dictionary.
-- Comments added to the original text have put put on separate lines,
-- beginning with three dashes and the initials of the commentator. e.g.
-- ---KPD: More likely to be from ...
-- Initials used:
-- KPD Kevin P. Donnelly
-- Suggestions for future modernisations:
-- - Change "aspirate" to "lenite"
-- - Change "small" to "slender"
-- - Change the likes of "see next word" to an explicit cross-reference.
-- This is needed if the dictionary is going to be updated, or
-- supplementary words merged, or the dictionary stored in a database.
-- (Such instances have been marked with ">>" to facilitate future
-- editing.)
-- - Standardise references, which usually contain a volume number in
-- superscript (@+).
-- - Standardise the following abbreviations:
-- "Cor.", "Corn." for Cornish
-- "Sl.", "Slav." for Slavonic
-- "D.of L.", "D.of Lis." for Dean of Lismore
-- Air a chur air a' choimpiutair le Caoimhín Pádraig Ó Donnaíle
-- Earraid House, Biggar Road, Dùn Éideann, EH10 7DX, Alba
-- A' tòiseachadh 1990-03-14; deiseil 1990-10-10
-- 140 uairean a thìde de dh'obair.
-- This dictionary has only been keyed in once. Before any serious work is
-- done with it, it needs to be keyed in again to verify it and correct
-- typing mistakes.
-- 2000-04-08 Air a thiondadh bho ASCII gu Latin-1, cho fad 's a b'urrainn
-- 2000-04-11 Na ceann-fhaclan air an dearbhadh. Mearachdan an siud 's an seo
-- air an ceartachadh.
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--page xiii
Ag.S. Anglo Saxon
Arm. Armenian
Br. Breton
Bulg. Bulgarian
Ch.Sl. Church Slavonic
Cor. Cornish
Corn. Cornish
Dan. Danish
Dial. Dialectic, belonging to a dialect
Du. Dutch
E. Early, as E.Eng.= Early English
Eng. English
Fr. French
G. Gaelic
Gaul. Gaulish
Ger. German
Got. Gothic
H. High, as H.G.= High German
Heb. Dialects of the Hebridees
Hes. Hesychius
I.E. Indo-European
Ir. Irish
Ital. Italian
L. Late, as L.Lat.= Late Latin
Lat. Latin
Lett. Lettic
Lit. Lithuanian
M. Middle, as M.Ir.= Middle Irish
Mod. Modern
N. Norse
N. New, as N.Slav.= New Slavonic
N.H. Dialects of the Northern Highlands
O. Old, as O.Ir.= Old Irish
O.H.G. Old High German
Per. Persian
Pruss. Prussian
Sc. Scottish
Sl. Slavonic
Slav. Slavonic
Slov. Slovenic
Span. Spanish
Sw. Swedish
W. Welsh
Zd. Zend or Old Bactrian
A.M`D Alexander Macdonald's [Gaelic Songs], with vocabulary
Atk. Atkinson's Dictionary to the [Passions and Homilies
from the Leabhar Breac], 1887
Arm.,Arms. Armstrong's [Gaelic Dictionary], 1825
B.of Deer Book of Deer, edited by Stokes in [Goidelica], 1872
Bez.Beit. Bezzenberger's [Beiträge zur Kunde der Idg. Sprachen],
a German periodical still proceeding
C.S. Common Speech, not yet recorded in literature
Celt.Mag The [Celtic Magazine], 13 vols., stopped in 1888
Con. Coneys' [Irish-English Dictionary], 1849
--page xiv
Corm. Cormac's Glossary, published in 1862 and 1868, edited
by Dr Whitely Stokes
D.of L. [The Dean of Lismore's Book], edited in 1862, 1892
Four Mast. Annals of the Four Masters, published in 1848, 1851
Fol. Foley's [English-Irish Dictionary], 1855
Hend. Dr George Henderson, Lecturer in Celtic Languages
and Literature in the University of Glasgow
H.S.D. The Highland Society's [Dictionary of the Gaelic
Language], 1828
Inv.Gael.Soc.Tr Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, still
L.na H. [Lebor na h-uidre], or the Book of the Dun Cow, an
Irish MS of 1100
Lh. Lhuyd's [Archaeologia Brittanica], 1707
Lib.Leinster Book of Leinster, an Irish MS of 1150
M`A. Macalpine's [Gaelic Dictionary], 1832
M`D. Alexander Macdonald's [Gaelick and English Vocabulary],
M`E. M`Eachan's [Faclair], 1862
M`F. M`Farlane's [Focalair] or Gaelic Vocabulary, 1815
M`L. M`Leod and Dewar's [Dictionary of the Gaelic Language],
Nich. Sheriff Nicholson's Gaelic Proverbs
O'Br. O'Brien's [Irish-English Dictionary], 1768 and 1832
O'Cl. O'Clery's Glossary, republished in [Revue Celtique],
Vols. IV, V, date 1643
O'R. O'Reilly's [Irish English Dictionary], 1823
Rev.Celt. [Revue Celtique], a periodical published at Paris, now in
its 17th vol.
R.D. Rob Donn, the Reay Bard; sometimes given as (Suth.)
Rob. Rev. Chas M. Robertson, author of pamphlets on
certain dialects of the Scottish Highlands
S.C.R. The [Scottish Celtic Review], 1 vol., edited by Dr
Cameron, 1885
S.D. [Sean Dana], Ossianic Poems by the Rev Donald Smith
Sh. Shaw's [Gaelic and English Dictionary], 1780
St. Dr Whitley Stokes; see "Authors quoted"
Stew. Vocabulary at the end of Stewart's Gaelic Collection
Wh. John Whyte, Inverness; sometimes entered as (Arg.)
Zeit. Kuhn's [Zeitschrift f. vergl. Sprachforschung], a German
periodical still proceeding
An asterisk (*) denotes always a hypothetical word; the sign (++) denotes
that the word is obsolete. The numeral above the line denotes the number
of the edition or the number of the volume.
--page 1
, vocative particle, Ir. [a], O.Ir. [á],[a]; W., Corn., Br. [a]; Lat. [o];
Gr. @G[w@]?
, his, her, Ir., [a], O.Ir. [á], [ái] (accented), W. [ei], Br. [e], Celtic [esjo],
[esjâs]; Skr. gen. [asyá], [asyâs]. The gen. pl. is , their, O.Ir.
[a n-], Celtic [esjon] (Stokes gives [esan]=Skr. gem. gen. pl. [âsâm]).
, who, that (rel. pron.). In G. this is merely the verbal particle
[do] of past time, used also to explain the aspiration of the
future rel. sentence. Oblique cases are done by [an], [am] (for [san],
[sam], O.Ir. [san], [sam]), the neut. of art. used as rel. (cf. Eng.
[that]). The rel. locative is sometimes done by the prep. [an],
[am]: "An coire am bi na caoraich" (1776 Collection, p112).
, out of, ex: see .
, from, in the adverbs , , , ; Ir., O.Ir.
[an-], as [anuas], etc.; Celtic [a(p)ona], a derivative from I.E.
[apo], whence Lat. [ab], Gr. @G[a@'pó]; Ger. [von], from, is the exact
equivalent of the Celtic. The before [sìos] and [suas] is due
to analogy with [a nìos], [a nuas].
, in to, as in , , , , , is the
prep. , in, into, q.v.
, as in , &c., and before verbs, is the prep. , q.v.
, the, at; see [an], the, and [ag], at.
, or , fie! The Ir. [ab ab], M.Ir. [abb] is an interjection of
defiance, [obo], of wonder; cf. Lat. [babæ], Gr. @G[babaí]. Hence
doubtless M`A.'s [abab], dirt.
, abbot, Ir. [ab], O.Ir. [abb], W. [abad]; from Lat. [abbas], [abbatis],
whence also Eng. [abbot]. Hence [abaid], abbey. M.Ir.
[apdaine], abbacy, in M.G. "abbey lands", whence placenames
Appin, older Abbathania (1310), Abthein (1220), "abbey lands".
--page 2
, syllable, utterance; E.Ir. [apad], proclamation: [ad-ba-],
Celtic [ba], speak; Lat. [fatur], [fama], Eng. fame.
, ripe, Ir. [abaidh], M.Ir. [abaid], E.Ir. [apaig], [*ad-bagi],
O.Ir. [apchugud], autumnatio; [*ad-bog-], Celtic root [bug], as in
[bog], q.v.; [ad-bach], root of Eng. [bake]; Gr. @G[fw/gw]. The W.
[addfed] is from a root [met].
, colic (M`A.):
, say, so Ir., O.Ir. [epiur], Celtic [ád-berô]; Lat. [re-fero];
see root in [beir].
, a brat, trifling, impudent person:
, expert (M`A.); from Sc. [apert]? See [aparr].
, confluence; only in Pictish place names: O.Gaelic (B.of
Deer) [abbor]; W. [aber], O.W. [aper], Celtic [ad-bero-], root [ber];
see [beir]. Modern Gaelic pronounces it (so in 17th
cent.), which agrees with the O.W. [oper]; this suggests
[od-bero-], "out flow", as against the "to flow" of [ad-bero-].
The [od] is for [ud], allied to Eng. [out]. Aporicum: [*ati-boro-n]
, bold; see [abair] above.
, dictionary (Shaw); from [abair], q.v.
, talkative, bold; from [abair] q.v.
<àbh>, hand net; from Norse [háfr], pock-net. Also , q.v.
Spelt less correctly <àmh> and <àbhadh>.
, bark of dog; an onomatopaetic word.
, river, Ir. [abhann] (gen. [abhann], now [aibhne]), O.Ir. [abann],
W. [afon], Br. [auon], Gallo-Brit. [Abona]; Lat. [amnis] ([*ab-nis]).
Root [abh]; Sk. [ambhas], water; Gr. @G[a@'fros] (@G[o@'/mbros], imber)
(Zim. Neu., 270).
<àbhacas>, sport, irony; see the following word.>>
<àbhachd>, humour, sport, Ir. [adhbhachd]:
, terrier, Ir. [abhach]; from [abh], q.v. Cf. E.Ir. [abacc],
dwarf; W. [afanc].
, rumour, false suspicion:
<àbhaist>, custom, Manx [oaysh], Ir. [abhest] (O'R.), [abaise] (O'B.),
[ad-beus]? M.Ir. [ábaisi] (pl.). See [beus], custom. Ascoli
compares the O.Ir. [-abais] of [duabais], teter, and [suabais],
suavis. Meyer suggests from N. [avist], abode : unlikely.
, an orchard, apple-tree, M.Ir. [aball], apple-tree. See [ubhal].
, silly jest (M`A.):
, Satan, Ir. [aidhbherseóir], E.Ir. [adbirseoir]; from Lat.
[adversarius] (Eng. [adversary]). Also .
, a jest; [àbhachd].
, wafer, so Ir., O.Ir. [obla], g. [oblann]; from Lat. [oblationem],
an oblation.
--page 3
, eyelid; see [fabhra].
, spinning, produce of distaff, Ir., M.Ir. [abhras], O.Ir.
[abras], gestus, E.Ir. [abras], handiwork, spinning, [abairsech],
needlewoman. Corm. (B) [abras], who derives it from L.Lat.
[abra], ancilla.
, the slackening of a sail, hoisting sail (N.H.); from
Norse [hálsa], clew up sail, from [hâls], neck, allied to Lat.
[collum]. Eng. [hawser] is also hence. Also .
, a cow's stomach, tripe (H.S.D.), , cow's
throttle (M`A.); borrowed evidently from a Scandinavian
compound of [háls], neck. Cf. [abhsadh] above.
, a mangled carcase, Ir. [ablach], carcase: [*ád-bal-ac-], from
root [bal], [bel], die, I.E. [gel], whence Eng, [quell]. Irish has
[abailt], death, O.Ir. [epeltu], [atbail], perit, from the same root
and prefix; the first of them appears in our Gaelic dictionaries
through Shaw. From Gaelic comes Scotch [ablach].
<àbran>, (M`A. and H.S.D.), an oar-patch on a boat's gunwale;
see [aparan].
, April, so Ir.; founded on Lat. [Aprilis] (Eng. [April]).
The form is due to folk-etymology, which relates it to [braon].
, apostle, Ir. [absdal], O.Ir. [apstal], W. [apostol]; from Lat.
[apostolus], whence Eng. [apostle].
, a pain, stitch; [*ád-conti-]; see [urchoid].
, sigh, complaint, E.Ir. [accáine], W. [achwyn]; [ád+caoin]; see
[caoin], weep.
, anchor, Ir. [ancaire], O.Ir. [ingor]; from N. [akkeri]:
, anchorage, from N. [akkarsaeti], "anchor-seat".
From Lat. [ancora], whence Eng. [anchor].
, acre, Ir. [acra]; from Eng. [acre]; Lat. [ager].
, gentle; Ir. [acarach], obliging, convenient, which shades
off into [acartha], profit; W. [achar], affectionate; [ád-car-]; see
[càr], friendly. M`A. has , moderate in price, indulgence,
which belongs to .
, lumber.
, profit, so Ir.; see [ocar], interest.
, axle-tree; borrowed word from Sc. [ax-tree] of like meaning
- Eng. [axle], &c.
, but, Ir. [achd], O.G. (B.of Deer) [act], O.Ir. [act], [acht], [*ekstos],
possibly, from [eks]=[ex]; cf. Gr. @G[e@'któs], without. For the
change of vowel, cf. [as], from [eks]. The Welsh for "but" is
[eithr], from [ekster]; Lat. [exter-].
, interjection of objection and impatience; founded on above
with leaning upon [och], q.v.>>
, a field, so Ir., O.G. [achad], O.Ir. [ached] (locative?)
campu lus (Adamnan), [*acoto-]; Lat. [acies], [acnua], field.
--page 4
, prayer; dialect for [achuinge], q.v.
, dwarf, sprite.
, statute, so Ir., M.Ir. [acht]; from Lat. [actum], Eng. [act].
, manner, condition, Ir., [achd]; same as above>>. There may be
a native [aktu-] ([*ag-tu], [*pag-tu]?) underlying some meanings
of the word, especially in Irish.
, , methodical, expert (H.S.D.):
, chase, pursuit, so Ir., M.Ir. [acclaid], fishing, E.Ir. [atclaid],
fishes, hunts, pursues: [ad-claidim]; see [claoidh].
, arm-pit, Ir. [ascall], M.Ir. [ochsal], W. [cesail]. The
divergence from regular philologic equivalence here proves
borrowing - from the Lat. [axilla]; Norse [öxl], Ger. [achsel],
Sc. [oxter].
, lamentation (M`L.); for [och-lan]? from [och].
, a rebuke, Ir. [achmhusán], E.Ir. [athchomsán]; cf. [aithis]
for root.
, supplication; also , so Ir., E.Ir. [athchuingid];
[ath+cuinge]; O.Ir. [cuintgim], peto, [con-tek-]; Eng. [thig]. See
, hunger, Ir. [ocrus], E.Ir. [accorus], [occorus]: [*ad-co-restu-],
possibly the root [pres] of Lat. [premo]: [*careo] (F@+[4]. 422).
, , apparatus, accoutrements, Ir. [acfuinn], E.Ir.
[accmaing], means, apparatus: [ad-cumang], O.Ir. [cumang],
potentia; see further under [cumhachd].
, hat, M.Ir. [at], W. [het]; from Eng. [hat], N. [hattr].
, , inseparable prefix, in force and origin the same as Lat.
[ad]. It is to be separated, though with difficulty, from the
[ad-] arising from [aith-] or [ath-], q.v.
, shock of corn, Ir. [adag]; cf. Sc. [hat], [hot], [hut], "to put up
grain in the field, a small stack built in the field"; M.E.
[hutte], heap.
, a haddock; from the English.
, adamant, so Ir.; from the English.
, , liver, Ir. [aeghe], g. [ae], O.Ir. [óa], [ae], W. [afu], Br. [avu],
root [av]. Cf. [adha] for [ae], [cadha] for [cae].
, proverb (M`A.); rather , root [agh], Lat. [ajo], [adagio],
adage; Skr. [ah], say.
, flesh hook (Sh.), so Ir., O.Ir. [áel], tridens: [*pavelo-], Lat.
[pavire]? But cf. Eng. [awl], M.E. and Ag.S. [awel], awl, flesh-hook.
, adulterous, Ir. [adhaltranach], E.Ir. [adaltrach]; from
Lat. [adulter], whence Eng. [adulterous].
, horn, so Ir., O.Ir. [adarc: [ad-arc]; root [arq], defend, as in
[teasairg], q.v.; Lat. [areceo], &c.
--page 5
, lapwing, "horned bird"; from [adharc]; Dial. .
Ir. [adaircín] (P.O'C).
, pillow, so Ir., E.Ir. [adart]: [ad-art]; [art], stone? See
, , "progress" (Dict.). This is a ghost-word, made
from the adverbial phrase [air adhart], which in M.Ir. is
[araird], forward, bring forward; in O.Ir. [arairt], prorsum.
Hence it is [air+àrd], q.v.
, halter, Manx [eistyr], Ir. [aghastor], M.Ir. [adastar]; cf. W.
[eddestl], steed.
, vast, awful, so Ir., O.Ir. [adbul]: [*ad-bol-]; I.E. root
[bhel], swell, as in Eng. [bloom], etc. Zimmer compares it with
Skr. [bala], strength. Stokes and Osthoff give root [bel], [bol],
strong, big, Skr. [balam], strength, Gr. @G[bélteros], better, Lat.
[de-bilis], weak, Ch.Sl. [boliji@u], greater; whence
(Osthoff) and , .
, burial, Ir. [adhlacadh], O.Ir. [adnacul], sepulcrum: [ad-nank-otlo]
([*ad-nagtlo-], Zim.): root verb [nankô], I bring; Lat.
[nanciscor]; further I.E. [nenk], [enk], as in [thig], q.v.
, an advocate (Macd.): H.S.D. cfs. Heb. [adhon], sustentator.
, at, with inf. only; see [aig].
, , refusal, doubt; E.Ir. [ac], refusal, O.Ir. [acc], no!
W. [acom], to deny. It is onomatopoetic? See next.>>
, hesitancy in speech, Br. [hak],[hakal]; cf. Skr. [ac], speak
indistinctly. See foregoing word.>>
, plead, so Ir., O.Ir. [acre] (n.), from [ad-gar-]; root [gar], cry;
see [goir].
, conversation, Ir. [agallamh], O.Ir. [acaldam], for [ad-glád-],
O.Ir. [ad-gládur], I converse: for root, see [glaodh].
, a hind, Ir. [agh], O.Ir. [ag], W. [ewig] ([*agîko-]), Celtic [agos-];
Skr. [ajás], buck; Lit. [oz@?ýs], goat. Zend. [azi], Arm. [ezn] (St.).
<àgh>, also <àdh>, happiness, luck, Manx [aigh], Ir. [ágh], M.Ir. [ada],
[buada], late M.Ir. [ád], luck, [ádh]=sonas (P.O'C); root [a@-g-],
bring; see next.>>
<àghach>, warlike, so Ir., E.Ir. [ágach], [ág], war, [*a@-gu-]; Skr. [a@-jís],
contest; Gr. @G[a@'gw/v], Eng. [antagonist].
, essay (M`A); see [oidheirp].
, face, so Ir., O.Ir. [aged], [*agitâ]; I.E. roog [ag], lead. It
is usually referred to the root [oq], Lat. [oculus], etc., but the
phonetics are unsatisfactory.
, pan, so Ir., O.Ir., [aigen], Celtic [aginâ]; Skr. [aga], water
jar; Gr. @G[a@'/ggos], a vessel.
, and so Ir., O.Ir. [acus], [ocus], B.of Deer [acus], O.W. [ac], Br.
[hag]; allied is [fagus], near, O.Ir. [ocus], W. [agos], Br. [hogoz]:
--page 6
[*aggostu-], [ad-gos-]; root [ges], [gos], carry; Lat. [gero], [aggestu-s],
mound (Zimmer). Stokes refers it to the root [angh], choke,
narrow; Celtic [aggúst-], from pre-Celtic [aghnústu-] (Lat.
[angustus]), with accent on syllable after the root - [gn] with
the accent on the following vowel being supposed, as in
Teutonic, to produce [gg]. The derivation from root [onk], [enk],
as in [thig], is not tenable in view of the Welsh.
, sheep, swan (Carm.):
, huge (M`E.). See [adhbhal].
, sea, the deep; Ir. [aibheis], sea, abyss; E.Ir. [aibéis], sea.
This Stokes refers to a Celtic [abensi-s], [abhent-ti-s]; root [abh],
as in [abhainn]. But cf. O.Ir. [abis], from Lat. [abyssus]: W.
[affwys], bottomless pit.
, boasting; , esaggerate; Ir. [aibhseach], boasting:
from the foregoing?>> Another form of [aibhsich] is .
, an old ruin (Stew.):
, the Devil; another form of [abharsair], q.v.
, spectre, so Ir.: see [taibhse].
, alphabet, Ir. [aibghitir], O.Ir. [abbgitir], from L.Lat.
[abgetorium], [abecedarium], the [a], [b], [c], [d], ar alphabet. A
dialectic form, , comes from the old learning system,
beginning "A per se", [a] by itself=[a], Eng. [apersie]. Analogised
to [caibideal] (Meyer).
, proximity, Ir. [aice]; see [taic].
, a lobster's burrow, also [faiche].
<àicheadh>, deny, Ir. [aithcheo], contradicting, M.Ir. [aithceód]: [*ati-ceud-](?),
"go back on"; cf. O.Ir. [atchuaid], exposui, which
Stokes refers to the root of [chaidh], went, q.v.
, reprisal; cf. Ir. [athghabháil]; [ath+gabhail].
++, race, Ir., O.Ir. [aicme], W. [ach], pedigree, [*akk-], from [ak],
edge; Lat. [acies]? Stokes cfs. Skr. [anka], lap, but this would
give G. [àk-] (a@-) and a W. [anc]. Norse [átt], family, Ger. [acht],
, joyous carol:
, confess, Ir. [admhuighim], O.Ir. [addaimim], W. [addef]:
[ad-dam-]; root [dam]; Lat. [domo], Eng. [tame].
, mass, so Ir., E.Ir. [oifrend], W. [offeren]; from Lat.
[offerendum] (Eng. [offer]).
, at, Ir. [ag], O.Ir. [oc]; for root, see [agus].
<àigeach>, young or entire horse; also <òigeach>=[òg+each], q.v.
M.Ir. [óc-ech], young steed (Eriu@+[2] 11).
, the deep, Ir. <àigeun>, E.Ir. [oician], W. [eigion]: from Lat.
[oceanus], Eng. [ocean]. There is also a by-form .
, spirited, E.Ir. [aignech]; see [aigneadh]. Ir. [aigeanta],
--page 7
, mirth, Manx [aigher]; [*ati-gar-]; see [gàirdeachas] for root.
Yet Ir. [aiereach], merry, aerial, from [aier], air, from Lat. [aer],
makes the matter doubtful. Ir. [aerach] (Hyde), merry, airy.
Evidently the G. is borrowed from the Lat.
, ear-ring, tassel; cf. Sc. [aiglet], tagged point, jewel in
one's cap; [eglie], needlework, from Fr. [aiguille], needle; Lat.
, the swift, anything quick (Carm.):
, , mind, so Ir., O.Ir., [aicned]: [ád-gn-eto-], root [gna@-],
know, Gr. @G[gignw/skw], Eng. [know]. Stokes refers it to the root
of [aicme], as he gives it. Ascoli makes the root [cen], as in
[cineal]. The Gaelic [g] is against any root with [c].
<àil>, will; better <àill>, q.v.
, , , a mark, impression, Ir. [oil], mark (O'R), M.
and E.Ir. [aile], fence, boundary (Meyer). A [t] stem: [oiledaib],
++, rock, Ir. and O.Ir. [ail], [*alek-], allied to Ger. [fels]; see further
under [mac-talla].
, ring; see [failbhe].
, flint, precipice; from [ail], rock.
<àile>, air, scent, E.Ir. [aél], [ahél]; W. [avel], C., Br., [awel], wind; Gr.
@G[a@'élla] (St. Lec.), storm; [*avel-], root [ave], [ve], wind; Lat.
[au-ra], Gr. @G[a@'c/r], Eng. [air].
, hiccup, Ir. [fail]; cf. Lat. [ha@-lo], breathe, Eng. in-[hale].
<àilean>, a green: [*ag-li-]? Cf. Lat. [ager].
<àilear>, porch:
, blemish, reproach, O.Ir. [ail], disgrace, Got. [agls]?
, mimicing (Wh.); bad [atharrais], [aith-lis], (M`A.) [aithris].
<àill>, desire, so Ir., O.Ir. [áil], W. [ewyll], Br. [ioul], Celtic [avillo-];
root [av], desire, Lat. [aveo], Eng. [avidity]. [áil], pleasant, [*pagli],
Eng. [fair] (St. Bez.@+[20] 24).
<àille>, beauty, E.Ir. [álde], for [álnde]; see [álainn].
<àilleas>, <àilgheas>, will, desire; Ir. [áilgheas], E.Ir. [ailges], [áilgidim],
I desire; from [áil] and [geas], request, q.v.
, root of the ear, hole of the ear; also [faillean], q.v.
<àilleagan>, darling, so Ir.; from [àille], q.v.
, elecampane: cf. Gr. @G[e`leníon], Lat. [inula]. M.Ir. [eillinn]
(Rev.Celt.@+[9] 231). inula quam [alain] rustici vocant (Isidor).
, shy, delicate; M.Ir. [ail] (O'Cl.), shamefaced.
, high-rocked; from [aill], rock; see [mac-talla].
, diminutive creature, fairy, Ir. [aillse];
, cancer, Ir. [aillis], O.Ir. [ailsin], cancerem:
, caterpillar; from above.>>
, the letter A, elm; Ir. [ailm], palm (fir?) tree, letter A;
borrowed from Lat. [ulmus], Norse [álmr], Eng. [elm].
--page 8
, stately, high; Ir. [ailt], Lat. [altus], [àilt] (H.S.D.).
, , privative prefix; see [am-], [amh-]. See its use in
(=[am-leas]), hurt, , , confusion
(=[am-réidh]), , distress, etc. (= [am-bert]). The
vowel in the root is "small", and hence affects the [a] of [am].
, grief, Ir. [aithmhéal], repentance; [aith+méala], grief,
E.Ir. [méla], sorrow, reproach; [*meblo-], a shorter form of O.Ir.
[mebul], dedecus; Gr. @G[mémfomai]
, , proud flesh; from [aimh-] and [feòil], q.v.
, confusion, mischief:
, barren, so Ir., M.Ir. [immrit], barren, E.Ir. [amrit]; [am-ber-ent-],
"non-producing"; root [ber] of [beir]?
, bold (Arms.); [am-meas-ichte], "un-mannerly"? See
, time, so Ir.; O.Ir. [amser], W. [amser], Br. [amzer], possibly a
Celtic [ammesserâ]; either a compound of [am], time ([ammensîrâ],
from [sîr], long?), or [amb-mensura], root [mens], measure,
Lat. [mensus], Eng. [measure]. Ascoli and Stokes give the
Celtic as [ád-messera], from [ad-mensura].
, missing of aim, mischance: [am-mis-ith], Gaelic root [mis]
of [eirmis], q.v.
<àin>, heat (Dict.), light (H.M`Lean), O.Ir. [áne], fulgor, from [án],
splendidus, latter a Celtic [a@-no-s]; Got. [fôn], fire (from [pân]);
Pruss. [panno]. Stokes suggests rather [*agno-s], allied to Lat.
[ignis], Skr. [agní], fire.
, privative prefix; see [an-].
, stormy, M.Ir. [ainbthech], [*an-feth-ech], Gaelic rott
[feth], breeze, from [vet], Eng. [weather], Lat. [ventus], etc. See
, , odd, unusual: [an-bith], "un-world-like". See [bith].
, doubt, M.Ir. [ainches], E.Ir. [ances], dubium.
, a curse, rage, Ir. [aingeis], E.Ir. [aingcess], [ánces], curse,
anguish; [an+geas], q.v., or Lat. [angustia]?
, flaw, so Ir., E.Ir. [anim], W. [anaf], blemish, O.Br.
[anamon], mendæ; Gr. @G[o@'/vonai], blame
<àinean>, a liver, liver of fish (N.H.); see [adha].
<àineartaich>, yawning ([aineartaich], M`A.); see [àinich] below.
, passion, fury; [an-theas], from [teas], heat.
, angel, so Ir., O.Ir. [angel], W. [angel], Br. [ael]; from Lat.
[angelus], whence also the Eng.
, light, fire, Manx [ainle], Ir. [aingeal] (Lh., O'B.), M.Ir.
[aingel], sparkling: [*pangelos], Ger. [funke], M.E. [funke]; further
[ong], fire, hearth; LIt [anglis], coal, Skr. [añgâra], glowing coal;
I.E. [ongli], [ongôl]; allied is I.E. [ognis], fire, Lat. [ignis]. See
--page 9
Fick@+[4] 14. Skeat derives Sc. [ingle] from the Gaelic. Also
, a common fire.
, numbness: [ang-eal-ach-], root [ang], choke (Lat.
, perversity, malignity; from the following.>>
, wicked, Ir. [aingidhe], malicious, O.Ir. [andgid], [angid],
nequam, wicked, [andach], sin; [*an-dg-id], root [deg] of [deagh],
good, q.v.
<àinich>, panting, also ; root [a@-n-], long form of [an], breath
(see [anail]); Skr. [ânana], mouth ("breather").
, vexing.
, anise; from the English. M.Ir. [in ainis], gloss on "[anisum
cyminum dulce]".
, name, Ir. and O.Ir. [ainm], pl. [anmann], B.of Deer [anim], W.
[enw], Br. [hanv], [*anmen-]; Gr. @G[o@'/noma]; Pruss. [emmens], Ch.Sl.
[ime@?]; root [ono], allied to [no@-] in Lat. [nomen], Eng. [name].
, a rash fool; see [òinid].
, beast, brute, Ir. [ainmhidhe], M.Ir. [ainmide], [*anem-itio-s],
[*anem-], life, soul; Lat. [animal], etc. Ir. is also [ainmhinte],
, rare; [an-minig], q.v.
, rare; see [annamh].
, force; [ain-], excess (see [an-]), and [neart].
, tame, from [ainneadh], patience (Sh.); possibly from
[an-dam], root [dam], tame.
, virgin, E.Ir. [ander], W. [anner], heifer, M.Br. [annoer] (do.),
[*anderâ]; cf. Gr. @G[anqcrós], blooming, [a@'qárioi], virgins (Hes.),
, , needy: [an+dìth], want?
, fury, over-fizzing: [an+steall].
, on, upon. This prep. represents three Irish ones:
(a) =O.Ir. [ar], [air], ante, propter, W. [ar], [er], Br. [er], Gaul [are-],
Celtic [ari], [arei], Gr. @G[pará], @G[paraí], by, before; Lat. [prae]; Eng.
[fore], [for]. This prep. aspirates in Irish, and in Gaelic idioms
it still does so, e.g. [air chionn].
(b) =O.Ir. [for], "super", O.W. and O.Br. [guor], Br. [voar], [oar],
Gaul. [ver-]; Gr. @G[u@`pér]; Lat. [s-uper]; Eng. [over]. This prep.
did not aspirate; it ended originally in [r] in Gaelic; as an
inseperable prefix ([vero-], [viro-] in Gaul.) it aspirated, as in the
modern form of old names like [Fergus], now [Fearghuis] or
[Fear'uis] (gen. case).
(c) =O.Ir. [iar n-], after, pre-Celtic [epron]; Skr. [aparám],
afterwards, [aparena], after; Got. [afar], after, Eng. [af-ter].
Further come Gr. @G[o@'pi-], behind, [e@'pí-], to, Lat. [ob-], [op-]. See [iar].
--page 10
This is the prep. that is used with the inf. to represent a
perfect or past participle in Gaelic - [Tha mi air bualadh]; "I
have struck".
, honourable; [air+beann]?
, distress, so Ir., O.Ir. [aircur], pressure; cf. Lat. [parcus],
<àirc>, the Ark, Ir. [airc]; from Lat. [arca].
, pity, clemency (Hend.): see [oircheas].
, to watch, listen, Ir. [aircill]; see [faircill].
, a cripple; [*airc-lach], from [airc], q.v.
<àird>, point (of the compass), Ir. [áird], E.Ir. [aird], Gr. @G[a@'/rdis], a
point. Hence Sc. [airt].
<àird>, preparation, activity.
<àirde>, height, Ir. [áirde], E.Ir. [arde]; see [árd].
<àirdeil>, ingenious:
, heed, Ir., O.Ir. [aire], Old.Brit. [Areanos], native watchers who
gave intimation to the Romans (Ammianus), pre-Celtic [parjâ],
[par], seek; Gr. @G[peîra], trial; Lat. [ex-perior], Eng. [experiment].
<àireach>, keeper of cattle. There is confusion in Gaelc between
[àireach] and O.Ir. [aire(ch)], lord; the [bó-aire], cow-lord, was
the free tenant of ancient Ireland. For O.Ir. [aire], see
[airidh]. G. [àireach] owes its long vowel to a confusion with
[àraich], rear. See [àiridh] for root.
<àireamh>, number, so Ir., O.Ir. [áram], W. [eirif], [*ad-rîm-], Celtic
[rîmâ], number; Ag.S. [rîm], number, Eng. [rhyme]; Gr.
@G[a@'riqmós], number.
, ploughman, herdsman; Ir. [oireamh], g. [oiramhan], ploughman,
the mythic [Eremon], [Airem(on)], [*arjamon-], Skr.
[Arjaman], further [Aryan](?); root [ar], plough.
++, music, harmony; [oirfid].
, silver, so Ir., O.Ir. [arget], W. [ariant], Br. [arc'hant], Gail.
[Argento-], [Argento-coxus] (a Caledonian prince): Lat. [argentum];
Gr. @G[a@'/rguros]. Eng. [argent] is from the Lat.
<àiridh>, better <àirigh>, hill pasture, sheiling (, in Lh. for
Gaelic); cf. E.Ir. [airge], [áirge], place where cows are, dairy,
herd of cattle; E.Ir. [airgech], herdswoman [of Brigit]; Ir.
[airghe], pl. [áiríghe] (O'B.), a herd of cattle; [airgheach], one
who has many herds; [*ar-egia]; Lat. [armentum]? But see
[àraich], rear. Norse or Danish [erg] from Gaelic equals Norse
[setr] (Ork. Sag.). This Norse form proves the identity of
Gaelic with E.Ir. [airge]; [airge]=[ar-agio], [*agio], herd.
, worthy, Ir. [airigh] (Ulster), [airigh], nobleman (O'B.), O.Ir.
[aire(ch)], primas, lard; Skr. [árya], good, a lord; [ârya], Aryan,
[âryaka], honourable man. [*parei]?
--page 11
, a sleepy person; from ++[aireal], bed, M.Ir. [aired] (O'C.):
, leng, Ir. [airligim], O.Ir. [airliciud], lending; from [leig], let,
which is allied to Eng. [loan], Got. [leihvan], Ger. [leihen]. See
, pledge, earnest, arles; from Sc. [arles], older [erles], which,
through O. French, comes from Lat. [*arrhula], dim. of [arrha],
pledge. Eng. [earnest], whence W. [ernes], is probably from the
same origin. See [eàrlas].
, a strait:
, hit; see [eirmis].
<àirne>, a sloe, so Ir., M.Ir. [arni], sloes, W. [eirin], plums, Br. [irinenn],
sloe, Celtic [arjanio-] (Stokes); Skr. [aran@.i], tinder-stick
"premna spinosa", [aran@.ka], forest.
<àirneach>, murrain in cattle:
, <àirneis> (M`L. & D.), furniture; Ir. [áirneis], cattle, goods,
etc., M.Ir. [airnis], tools, furniture. The word can hardly
be separated from the Romance [arnese], accotrements,
armour, whence Eng. [harness], armour for man or horse. The
word is originally of Brittonic origin (Br. [harnez], armour),
from [*eisarno-], iron; see [iarunn].
, a pebble, so Ir., E.Ir. [arteini] (pl.), O.Ir. [art]; possibly
Gaul. [arto-] ([Arto-briga]), [Artemia], name of a rock.
, , weariness:
<àis>, milk (Carm.), M.Ir. [as] (O'Dav.).
<àis>, wisdom (Carm.), [ais] (O'Cl.) See [cnoc] (Carm.).
, back, backwards; so Ir., E.Ir. [aiss], [daraaiss], backwards; Gaelic
. The forms [ais], [rithisd] (rìs], [thairis], seem compounds
from the root [sta], [sto], stand; cf. [fois], [bhos], [ros]; may be
for [ati-sta-], or [ati-sti-]. Ascoli refers [ais] to an unaccented
form of [éis], track, which is used after [tar] and [di] ([di a éis], post
eum; see [déis]) for "after, [post]", but not for "back", as is
[air ais], with verbs of rest or motion.
, delivery (obstetrical), E.Ir. [asait], vb. [ad-saiter], is delivered;
[*ad-sizd-]; Lat. [si@-do], [assi@-dere], a reduplication of the root
[sed], of [suidhe], q.v. From [ad-sem-t], root [sem] as in [taom]
, a ferry, Ir. [aiseog] (Fol.):
, axle; it seems borrowed from Eng. [axle], Norse [öxull], but
the W. [echel], Br. [ahel], [*aksila], makes its native origin
possible, despite the absence of the word in Irish.
, jollity (Sh., Arms.); see [aisteach].
, rib, Ir., E.Ir. [asna], W. [eisen], [asen], Cor. [asen]; cf. Lat.
[assula], splinter, [asser], beam (Stokes). Formerly it was
referred to the same origin as Lat. [os], [ossis], bone, Gr. @G[o@'stéon],
--page 12
but the root vowel and meaning are both unfavourable to
this etymology.
, weanling (Argyle); from [ais]?
, a request (Sh.), E.Ir. [ascid]; [*ad-skv-], root [seq]., as in [sgeul],
, a ridge of high mountains, Ir. [eiscir], [aisgeir] (Lh. for
latter); [*ad-sker-](?), as in Eng. [skerry], G. [sgeir], q.v. Cf. W.
[esgair] (Meyer).
, restore, so Ir., E.Ir. [assec]; possibly=[*as-ic], "out-bring",
[ic]=[enl]; see [thig], come.
, , path; see [astar].
, strife; [as-sìth], [as-], privative, and [sìth], q.v.
, a vision, dream, so Ir., O.Ir. [aislinge]; possibly [*ex-líng-ia],
"a jump out of one-self, ec-stasy", the root being [leng] of
[leum], q.v. Nigra suggested the root [sil], or [sell] of [seall], see,
q.v.; he divided the word as [as-sil-inge], Stokes as [ad-sell-angia]
(Beiträge, Vol. VIII)
, rehearsing, tattle, E.Ir. same, O.Ir. [áisndís]l [aisnédim], I
relate; ([as-ind-fiad-im], O.Ir. [in-fiadim], I relate); [fiad]=[veid],
know; see [innis]; root [vet], Lat. [veto] (Stokes), but this does
not account for [í] of O.Ir. [aisndís].
, a diverting fellow, Ir. [aisdeach], witty:
, glad, Ir., E.Ir. [ait], O.Ir. [ait], euge! adverbium optantis:
<àite>, a place, Ir., E.Ir. [áit]. Possibly Celtic [po@-d-ti], [*panti]? root
[po@-d], [ped], Lat. [oppidum], Gr. @G[pédon], ground, Skr. [padám], place;
as in [eadh], q.v. Stokes has referred [áit] to the root that
appears in Ger. [ort, place, Norse [oddr], O.Eng. [ord], point,
Teutonic [uzd-], I.E. [uzdh-]; but this in Gaelic would give [ud]
or [od].
<àiteag>, a shy girl, see [faiteach].
, breeze, ray, small portion. In the sense of "ray", cf. Gr.
@G[a@'ktís], ray; in the sense of "quantulum", it may be divided
as [ad-tel], O.Br. [attal], an equivalent, root [tel], weight, money;
see [tuarasdal]. [actualis]?
, a people, a tribe (Arms.):
, a thaw; [*aith-ta@--m, W. [toddi], melt; Lat. [tabes]; Gr.
@G[tc/kw], melt; Eng. [thaw]. The Ir. word is [tionadh] (O.Ir.
[tinaid], evanescit), Manx [tennue], the root of which is [ten], Lat.
[tener], Eng. [thin].
, "re-"; see [ath-].
, fathom, O.W. [atem], filum; [*(p)etemâ]; Eng. [fathom];
I.E. [pet], extend, Lat. [pateo], etc.
, fire-brand, Ir., O.Ir. [aithinne]: [*aith-tén-io-]? Root of
[teine]? The root [and], kindle, as in O.Ir. [andud], accendere,
--page 13
[adandad], lighting up, is also possible, [*aith-and-io-] being the
form in that case. [amhailte] (Glen-moriston).
, a reproach, affront, so Ir., O.Ir. [athiss]; [*ati-vid-tu-]; Got.
[idveit], Eng. [twit]; root [vid], wit, know.
, a disgrace; cf. [leas] in [leas-mhac].
, knowledge, so Ir., O.Ir., [aithgne], W. [adwaen]: [ati-gn-io-] for
Ir.; I.E. [gen], [gna@-], [gno@-], to know; Lat. [cognosco]; Gr. @G[gignw/skw];
Eng. [know].
<àithne>, command, Ir., O.Ir. [aithne], depositum, command; [immánim],
delego, assign; W. [adne], custody; the root seems to be [a@-n]
or [an], judging from verbal forms, though these scarcely
agree with the noun forms. See [tiomnadh] further.
, repentant, so Ir., O.Ir. [aithrech], Corn. [edreck], repentance,
Br. [azrec] (do.), [*ati-(p)reko-], [*ati-(p)rekiâ]; root, [prek],
Lat. [precor], Ger. [fragen], ask, etc. Ascoli makes the root [reg],
come (see [rach]).
, tell so Ir. [*ati-ris], E.Ir. [ris], a story, [*rt-ti], [rat], [re@-t],
Ger. [rede], speech, Got. [rathjo], speak, Lat. [ratio]. Cf. O.Ir.
[airissim], from [iss].
<àitidh>, damp:
, juniper, Ir. [aiteann], O.Ir. [aitenn], W. [aith], [eithin], Cor.
[eythinen], O.Br. [ethin] (gl. rusco), [*akto-], I.E. root [ak], sharp,
Lat. [acidus], Eng. [acid], [edge], Gr. [a@'/kros], extreme, etc. The
nearest words are Lit. [ákstinas], sting, Ch.Sl. [ostinu]. Also
. [*at-tenn-], "sharp bush or tree"; from root [at], sharp,
E.Ir. [aith], sharp, [*atti-], [atto-]. For [-tenn], see [caorunn]. Cf.
Ir. [teine], furze.
, a building, Ir. , E.Ir. [aittreb], W. [adref], homewards,
Gaul. [Atrebates]; [*ad-treb-], the Celtic root [treb] corresponding
to Lat. [tribus], Eng. [thorpe].
<àl>, brood, Ir. [ál], W. [ael], [al]: [*(p)aglo-; cf. Lat. [propâgo], Eng.
[propogate]. Hence <àlaire>, brood mare. Ger. [adel], nobility.
<àlach>, a brood, set, bank of oars (M`E.):
<àlach>, nails: [*a@-l-lach], [a@-l-], from [(p)agl-], Lat. [pa@-lus], stake; root
[pag], [pa@-g], fasten, whence Gr. @G[pc/gnumi], Lat. [pango], fix, Eng.