A handbook in Gaelic for parents whose children are learning Gaelic in playgroup or primary school.
This eight-page handbook was produced some years ago by D.J. McLeod for Comunn na Gàidhlig (CnaG), for distribution in photocopied format. It is now distributed by Comhairle nan Sgoiltean Àraich.
Sabhal Mór Ostaig is grateful to Donald John McLeod, CNAG and CNSA for permission to place the handbook on our WWW server as a facility for the use of Gaelic learners and parents worldwide.
The voice was provided by Màiri Sìne Chaimbeul, SMO.
Here are the original notes and notes on conversion to HTML.
The handbook is also available as a single text file for quick unornamented printout.
See also the new (2006) websites: